Thursday, December 27, 2007


I updated it but apparently they have got around to fixing the coin/membership hack. I tried all I could using just the trainer to get around these problems but was failed so all you can do is use the current trainer hacks and use packet editors/memory editors for coin hack, etc. I also added a Moderator Hack which you can change who is a moderator to you but not sure if works exactly or not. It should load the game always now with no problems as well.

Type this in a google search: "online multiplayer flash game" the first result should be the current game I'm making a trainer for. I think its a fun game but gets boring quick, but thats what a simple trainer is for right?

EDIT: New Mirror Download Link (yes I'm working on CP Trainer v3)


Club Penguin Trainer v2 Updated


I decided to just quickly finish the Murloc Trainer for the few that want it. It was quite hilarious reading the forums about the MODs discussing current hackers in the game. The story is I had to test out the lvl hack which I did eventually, but I wanted to try submitting the score into the database as well. Soon enough I found out it worked but realized I had my name as Polololo/LVL 58 which some other persons name that plays the game. The reason I did this was because I thought another name variable was what I needed for the name hack so I put my name as his which was actually the #1 hight score name variable. This was before I figured out a way to log-in as your name during loading the game/trainer. I eventually read the forums today and find out a MOD made a post about current hackers in the game and how he can find out by using some math to figure out getting to such a high lvl was impossible. Soon I read a post made by Polololo which was about him confessing to hacking this game. >=]

Hack Options:

Name Hack - You can easily change your main username for the game and if you want trick the MODs into thinking someone was hacking/cheating by submitting the score. =P

LVL Hack - You can change your character level here which is useful for few situation in the game I guess, but be careful when submitting with a different level then before.

Money Hack - You can change your total amount of money (gold,silver,bronze) using this option. 999999 = 99 gold 99 silver 99 bronze

Talent Hack - You can change the amount of talent points you have but if you save the game with different spells/skills then what is intended for your level it will recognize the char as being hacked.

Freeze MaxHP - This will simply freeze your current HP with your current Max HP possible.

Freeze MaxEN - This will simply freeze your current EN with your current Max EN possible.

STR, STM, INT, AGI Hacks - These will simply change the chosen stat you chose to hack.

EDIT: NEW Mirror Download LINK
Murloc Trainer

Murloc Trainer


If the AQ Trainer keeps closing after clicking the SWF Lists button then download this and follow the instructions in the readme.txt. If the AQ Trainer still gives an error regarding the msstdfmt.dll then download this and follow the instruction in the readme.txt.

EDIT(Dec. 16th): Newest version is currently v2.5 and is working. Added new AutoBattler features, automatic login, fixed many errors/code.
Some still might need to download this which is used in this trainer but only if get an error saying you need TABCTL32.OCX.

Current list of cheats:

Automatic Login System - Simply type in username/password and sit back and wait. If server is open soon as trainer is loaded then proceed to login in like normal.

Temp Guardian Account - Gives more experience, allowed into Guardian Tower, allowed to buy/wear some Guardian gear/items, travel anywhere, etc.

DMG and DEF - Increases Armor for Magic/Melee/Range which basically blocks everything, increases damage.

InstaKill - Do a substantial amount of damage to monster as many times and whenever.

Attack Menu - Continuously shows the player attack menu.

Frame# - Change frame number to any available frame in game.

Anti-Cheat? - This is test which is suppose to block the detection of cheating and not sure if it is working or not.

SWF Lists Options:

Town/Quest - Save and load any town swf name or quest if the SWF filename is known. I give a list of many included with the trainer but some are changing and new ones are showing up all the time with updates.

Spells - Save and load any spell swf name if the SWF filename is known. After it is loaded then simply choose the first spell from the player attack menu Spells list for it to active.

AutoBattle - Save and load any monster name including its correct ID number to use for a quick fight or to auto battle. Also option to quickly add current active monster in battle to list. Remember to save the list after adding monsters/IDs before closing the SWF Lists window. I've added a max exp/gold cap detection to only the custom auto battle option which will turn it off if both gold/exp are at zero amounts. I've included a list of monsters and its corresponding ID numbers in a text file(Thanks to those mentioned in the text).

SWFs - The list will automatically fill up with a list of available SWF located in the same folder as this trainer. Sometimes the game will just unload/close itself due to certain custom SWF files that weren't UnLoaded during play.

I'm going to make a video of the trainer in action soon and add it to this post..

AdventureQuest Trainer v2.5

AdventureQuest Trainer v2.5

and jake im soooooo srry if u dont want me to put these here just leave comment and i delete post SRRY!

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